MikroTik hAP acで作るHotspot 2.0環境 (プロファイルをインストールできて繋がった端末のログ)

MikroTik hAP acで作るHotspot 2.0環境 (Android編) - pirosapの備忘録
MikroTik hAP acで作るHotspot 2.0環境 (プロファイルをインストールできない端末のログを見てみる) - pirosapの備忘録

前回作ったAndroid用のプロファイルがインストールできてHotspot 2.0につながる端末のログ。

Android One S1 (Android 7.0 / Build 00WW_1_15I)

Android One S1 をご利用中のお客さまへ ~最新ソフトウェア配信のお知らせ~ | ワイモバイル(Y!mobile) のバージョン。

05-12 22:03:01.913 I/ActivityManager( 2310): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=content://downloads/all_downloads/18 typ=application/x-wifi-config flg=0x10000001 cmp=com.android.certinstaller/.CertInstallerMain} from uid 10063 on display 0
05-12 22:03:01.923 E/ANDR-PERF-MPCTL( 1792): Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only
05-12 22:03:01.932 D/ActivityTrigger( 2310): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
05-12 22:03:01.949 E/ConnectivityManager.CallbackHandler( 7777): callback not found for RELEASED message
05-12 22:03:01.963 I/ActivityManager( 2310): Start proc 8060:com.android.certinstaller/u0a42 for activity com.android.certinstaller/.CertInstallerMain
05-12 22:03:01.963 V/BoostFramework( 2310): BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@d615a1f
05-12 22:03:02.007 W/System  ( 8060): ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/app/CertInstaller/lib/arm64
05-12 22:03:02.063 I/ActivityManager( 2310): START u0 {cmp=com.android.certinstaller/.WiFiInstaller (has extras)} from uid 10042 on display 0
05-12 22:03:02.066 D/ActivityTrigger( 2310): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
05-12 22:03:02.079 I/HAL     ( 8060): loaded HAL id=gralloc path=/system/lib64/hw/gralloc.msm8937.so hmi=0x7fd6c16d10 handle=0xe16bd971b5171207
05-12 22:03:02.105 I/Adreno  ( 8060): QUALCOMM build                   : 15ca084, I4f723aa5a2
05-12 22:03:02.105 I/Adreno  ( 8060): Build Date                       : 11/28/16
05-12 22:03:02.105 I/Adreno  ( 8060): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.03
05-12 22:03:02.105 I/Adreno  ( 8060): Local Branch                     :
05-12 22:03:02.105 I/Adreno  ( 8060): Remote Branch                    : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM.5.5.R1.
05-12 22:03:02.105 I/Adreno  ( 8060): Remote Branch                    : NONE
05-12 22:03:02.105 I/Adreno  ( 8060): Reconstruct Branch               : NOTHING
05-12 22:03:02.107 D/WifiInstaller( 8060): WiFi data for wifi-config: application/x-wifi-config is 7141
05-12 22:03:02.109 D/WCFG    ( 2310): Content: 7141
05-12 22:03:02.109 D/WCFG    ( 2310): Decoded: 5286 bytes.
05-12 22:03:02.111 I/OpenGLRenderer( 8060): Initialized EGL, version 1.4
05-12 22:03:02.111 D/OpenGLRenderer( 8060): Swap behavior 1
05-12 22:03:02.130 V/DownloadManager( 3596): Deleting /storage/emulated/0/Download/pirosap-tech-20170429.config via provider delete
05-12 22:03:02.132 D/MediaProvider( 3596): object removed 45
05-12 22:03:02.157 D/HS20    ( 2310): plain MIME container, boundary '{boundary}', type 'application/x-passpoint-profile', encoding [base64]
05-12 22:03:02.158 D/HS20    ( 2310): plain MIME container, boundary '{boundary}', type 'application/x-x509-ca-cert', encoding [base64]
05-12 22:03:02.159 D/HS20    ( 2310): multipart MIME container, boundary 'null', type 'multipart/mixed', encoding [base64]
05-12 22:03:02.159 D/WCFG    ( 2310):  + Content Type: application/x-passpoint-profile
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310): OMA: <MgmtTree xmlns="syncml:dmddf1.2">
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):   <VerDTD>1.2</VerDTD>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):   <Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):     <NodeName>PerProviderSubscription</NodeName>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):     <RTProperties>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):       <Type>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):         <DDFName>urn:wfa:mo:hotspot2dot0-perprovidersubscription:1.0</DDFName>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):       </Type>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):     </RTProperties>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):     <Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):       <NodeName>X1</NodeName>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):       <Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):         <NodeName>Credential</NodeName>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):         <Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):           <NodeName>CreationDate</NodeName>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):           <Value>2017-02-16T14:21:36Z</Value>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):         </Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):         <Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):           <NodeName>UsernamePassword</NodeName>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):           <Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):             <NodeName>MachineManaged</NodeName>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):             <Value>true</Value>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):           </Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):           <Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):             <NodeName>EAPMethod</NodeName>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):             <Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):               <NodeName>EAPType</NodeName>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):               <Value>21</Value>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):             </Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):             <Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):               <NodeName>InnerMethod</NodeName>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):               <Value>MS-CHAP-V2</Value>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):             </Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):           </Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):           <Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):             <NodeName>Username</NodeName>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):             <Value>hoge</Value>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):           </Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):           <Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):             <NodeName>Password</NodeName>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):             <Value>aHMyMCF0ZXN0MTc=</Value>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):           </Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):         </Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):         <Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):           <NodeName>Realm</NodeName>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):           <Value>pirosap.tech</Value>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):         </Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):       </Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):       <Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):         <NodeName>HomeSP</NodeName>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):         <Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):           <NodeName>FriendlyName</NodeName>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):           <Value>NGH testbed by pirosap.tech</Value>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):         </Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):         <Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):           <NodeName>FQDN</NodeName>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):           <Value>ngh.pirosap.tech</Value>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):         </Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):       </Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):     </Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):   </Node>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310): </MgmtTree>
05-12 22:03:02.160 D/WCFG    ( 2310):  + Content Type: application/x-x509-ca-cert
05-12 22:03:02.161 D/WCFG    ( 2310): Cert subject CN=DST Root CA X3, O=Digital Signature Trust Co.
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310): Full Cert: Certificate:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):     Data:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):         Version: 3 (0x2)
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):         Serial Number:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):             44:af:b0:80:d6:a3:27:ba:89:30:39:86:2e:f8:40:6b
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):     Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):         Issuer: O=Digital Signature Trust Co., CN=DST Root CA X3
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):         Validity
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):             Not Before: Sep 30 21:12:19 2000 GMT
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):             Not After : Sep 30 14:01:15 2021 GMT
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):         Subject: O=Digital Signature Trust Co., CN=DST Root CA X3
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):         Subject Public Key Info:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):             Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                 Public-Key: (2048 bit)
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                 Modulus:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                     00:df:af:e9:97:50:08:83:57:b4:cc:62:65:f6:90:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                     82:ec:c7:d3:2c:6b:30:ca:5b:ec:d9:c3:7d:c7:40:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                     c1:18:14:8b:e0:e8:33:76:49:2a:e3:3f:21:49:93:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                     ac:4e:0e:af:3e:48:cb:65:ee:fc:d3:21:0f:65:d2:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                     2a:d9:32:8f:8c:e5:f7:77:b0:12:7b:b5:95:c0:89:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                     a3:a9:ba:ed:73:2e:7a:0c:06:32:83:a2:7e:8a:14:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                     30:cd:11:a0:e1:2a:38:b9:79:0a:31:fd:50:bd:80:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                     65:df:b7:51:63:83:c8:e2:88:61:ea:4b:61:81:ec:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                     52:6b:b9:a2:e2:4b:1a:28:9f:48:a3:9e:0c:da:09:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                     8e:3e:17:2e:1e:dd:20:df:5b:c6:2a:8a:ab:2e:bd:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                     70:ad:c5:0b:1a:25:90:74:72:c5:7b:6a:ab:34:d6:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                     30:89:ff:e5:68:13:7b:54:0b:c8:d6:ae:ec:5a:9c:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                     92:1e:3d:64:b3:8c:c6:df:bf:c9:41:70:ec:16:72:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                     d5:26:ec:38:55:39:43:d0:fc:fd:18:5c:40:f1:97:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                     eb:d5:9a:9b:8d:1d:ba:da:25:b9:c6:d8:df:c1:15:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                     02:3a:ab:da:6e:f1:3e:2e:f5:5c:08:9c:3c:d6:83:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                     69:e4:10:9b:19:2a:b6:29:57:e3:e5:3d:9b:9f:f0:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                     02:5d
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):         X509v3 extensions:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):             X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                 CA:TRUE
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):             X509v3 Key Usage: critical
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                 Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):             X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):                 C4:A7:B1:A4:7B:2C:71:FA:DB:E1:4B:90:75:FF:C4:15:60:85:89:10
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):     Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):          a3:1a:2c:9b:17:00:5c:a9:1e:ee:28:66:37:3a:bf:83:c7:3f:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):          4b:c3:09:a0:95:20:5d:e3:d9:59:44:d2:3e:0d:3e:bd:8a:4b:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):          a0:74:1f:ce:10:82:9c:74:1a:1d:7e:98:1a:dd:cb:13:4b:b3:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):          20:44:e4:91:e9:cc:fc:7d:a5:db:6a:e5:fe:e6:fd:e0:4e:dd:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):          b7:00:3a:b5:70:49:af:f2:e5:eb:02:f1:d1:02:8b:19:cb:94:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):          3a:5e:48:c4:18:1e:58:19:5f:1e:02:5a:f0:0c:f1:b1:ad:a9:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):          dc:59:86:8b:6e:e9:91:f5:86:ca:fa:b9:66:33:aa:59:5b:ce:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):          e2:a7:16:73:47:cb:2b:cc:99:b0:37:48:cf:e3:56:4b:f5:cf:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):          0f:0c:72:32:87:c6:f0:44:bb:53:72:6d:43:f5:26:48:9a:52:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):          67:b7:58:ab:fe:67:76:71:78:db:0d:a2:56:14:13:39:24:31:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):          85:a2:a8:02:5a:30:47:e1:dd:50:07:bc:02:09:90:00:eb:64:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):          63:60:9b:16:bc:88:c9:12:e6:d2:7d:91:8b:f9:3d:32:8d:65:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):          b4:e9:7c:b1:57:76:ea:c5:b6:28:39:bf:15:65:1c:c8:f6:77:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):          96:6a:0a:8d:77:0b:d8:91:0b:04:8e:07:db:29:b6:0a:ee:9d:
05-12 22:03:02.167 D/WCFG    ( 2310):          82:35:35:10
05-12 22:03:02.200 V/BoostFramework( 8060): mAcquireFunc method = public int com.qualcomm.qti.Performance.perfLockAcquire(int,int[])
05-12 22:03:02.200 V/BoostFramework( 8060): mReleaseFunc method = public int com.qualcomm.qti.Performance.perfLockRelease()
05-12 22:03:02.200 V/BoostFramework( 8060): mAcquireTouchFunc method = public int com.qualcomm.qti.Performance.perfLockAcquireTouch(android.view.MotionEvent,android.util.DisplayMetrics,int,int[])
05-12 22:03:02.200 V/BoostFramework( 8060): mIOPStart method = public int com.qualcomm.qti.Performance.perfIOPrefetchStart(int,java.lang.String)
05-12 22:03:02.200 V/BoostFramework( 8060): mIOPStop method = public int com.qualcomm.qti.Performance.perfIOPrefetchStop()
05-12 22:03:02.216 V/BoostFramework( 8060): BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@34306de
05-12 22:03:02.216 V/BoostFramework( 8060): BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@d55c0bf
05-12 22:03:02.227 V/BoostFramework( 8060): BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@904b542
05-12 22:03:02.227 V/BoostFramework( 8060): BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@9477953
05-12 22:03:02.229 V/BoostFramework( 8060): BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@12ce38e
05-12 22:03:02.229 V/BoostFramework( 8060): BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b4657af
05-12 22:03:02.303 I/iu.UploadsManager( 3390): End new media; added: 1, uploading: 0, time: 143 ms
05-12 22:03:02.339 I/ActivityManager( 2310): Displayed com.android.certinstaller/.WiFiInstaller: +253ms (total +390ms)
05-12 22:03:02.779 I/MSM-irqbalance( 1927): Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU1 [P:0] to CPU5 [P:1] (banned)
05-12 22:03:02.779 I/MSM-irqbalance( 1927): Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU0 [P:0] to CPU6 [P:1] (banned)
05-12 22:03:02.780 I/MSM-irqbalance( 1927): Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU0 [P:0] to CPU4 [P:1] (banned)
05-12 22:03:02.780 I/MSM-irqbalance( 1927): Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU7 [P:1] (banned)
05-12 22:03:02.780 I/MSM-irqbalance( 1927): Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU5 [P:1] (banned)
05-12 22:03:02.780 I/MSM-irqbalance( 1927): Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU6 [P:1] (banned)
05-12 22:03:02.780 I/MSM-irqbalance( 1927): Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU4 [P:1] (banned)
05-12 22:03:03.220 I/WindowManager( 2310): Destroying surface Surface(name=Toast) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2014 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:881 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurface:2073 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacementInner:429 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacementLoop:232 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacement:180 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService$H.handleMessage:8110 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102
05-12 22:03:05.489 I/ActivityManager( 2310): Process com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0 (pid 7803) has died
05-12 22:03:05.490 D/ActivityManager( 2310): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 7803
05-12 22:03:05.492 E/KernelCpuSpeedReader( 2310): Failed to read cpu-freq: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state (No such file or directory)
05-12 22:03:07.871 I/MSM-irqbalance( 1927): Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU7 [P:1] (banned)
05-12 22:03:07.871 I/MSM-irqbalance( 1927): Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU5 [P:1] (banned)
05-12 22:03:07.872 I/MSM-irqbalance( 1927): Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU6 [P:1] (banned)
05-12 22:03:07.872 I/MSM-irqbalance( 1927): Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU4 [P:1] (banned)
05-12 22:03:08.734 I/WindowManager( 2310): Destroying surface Surface(name=com.android.certinstaller/com.android.certinstaller.WiFiInstaller) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2014 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:881 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurface:2073 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:363 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.finishExit:565 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.stepAnimationLocked:491 com.android.server.wm.WindowAnimator.updateWindowsLocked:303 com.android.server.wm.WindowAnimator.animateLocked:704
05-12 22:03:09.104 I/addOrUpdateNetwork( 2310):  uid = 10042 SSID null nid=-1
05-12 22:03:09.107 I/WifiConfigStore( 2310): addOrUpdateNetwork created netId=0
05-12 22:03:09.108 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:09.110 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:09.111 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:09.113 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:09.117 D/WifiConfigStore( 2310): putting certificate CACERT_2044411083_WPA_EAPIEEE8021X_TTLS_MSCHAPV2 in keystore
05-12 22:03:09.120 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:09.121 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:09.122 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:09.123 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:09.124 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:09.125 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:09.126 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:09.127 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:09.128 D/WifiConfigManager( 2310): created new config netId=0 uid=10042 name=com.android.certinstaller
05-12 22:03:09.129 D/WifiConfigManager( 2310): created a homeSP object for 0:2044411083
05-12 22:03:09.134 E/WifiConfigStore( 2310): Failed to look-up a string: WAPI
05-12 22:03:09.134 E/WifiConfigStore( 2310): Failed to look-up a string: SMS4
05-12 22:03:09.135 E/WifiConfigStore( 2310): Failed to look-up a string: SMS4
05-12 22:03:09.142 D/HS20    ( 2310): Adding or updating HS20 profile for ngh.pirosap.tech
05-12 22:03:09.169 D/WifiNetworkHistory( 2310): saving network history: ngh.pirosap.techWPA_EAP gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:0 nid:0 hasEverConnected: false
05-12 22:03:09.169 V/WifiNetworkHistory( 2310): writeKnownNetworkHistory write config ngh.pirosap.techWPA_EAP
05-12 22:03:09.181 I/ActivityManager( 2310): START u0 {cmp=com.android.certinstaller/.CredentialsInstallDialog (has extras)} from uid 10042 on display 0
05-12 22:03:09.193 D/ActivityTrigger( 2310): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
05-12 22:03:09.251 V/BoostFramework( 8060): BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@40156d8
05-12 22:03:09.251 V/BoostFramework( 8060): BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@17fa31
05-12 22:03:09.262 V/BoostFramework( 8060): BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@e72be69
05-12 22:03:09.262 V/BoostFramework( 8060): BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b1540ee
05-12 22:03:09.265 V/BoostFramework( 8060): BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b3ee41c
05-12 22:03:09.265 V/BoostFramework( 8060): BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@cefd825
05-12 22:03:09.407 I/ActivityManager( 2310): Displayed com.android.certinstaller/.CredentialsInstallDialog: +200ms
05-12 22:03:09.805 I/WindowManager( 2310): Destroying surface Surface(name=com.android.certinstaller/com.android.certinstaller.WiFiInstaller) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2014 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:881 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeLocked:1449 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindowInnerLocked:2483 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindowLocked:2441 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindowLocked:2310 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindow:2305 com.android.server.wm.Session.remove:193
05-12 22:03:11.827 D/ActivityTrigger( 2310): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
05-12 22:03:11.884 I/WindowManager( 2310): Destroying surface Surface(name=com.android.certinstaller/com.android.certinstaller.CredentialsInstallDialog) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2014 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:881 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeLocked:1449 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindowInnerLocked:2483 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindowLocked:2441 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindowLocked:2310 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindow:2305 com.android.server.wm.Session.remove:193
05-12 22:03:11.910 D/ActivityTrigger( 2310): ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
05-12 22:03:11.917 W/InputMethodManagerService( 2310): Focus gain on non-focused client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@a182bac (uid=10042 pid=8060)
05-12 22:03:11.925 I/WindowManager( 2310): Failed to capture screenshot of Token{d8e1140 ActivityRecord{69a34c3 u0 com.android.certinstaller/.CertInstallerMain t25 f}} appWin=Window{1ee6e17 u0 com.android.certinstaller/com.android.certinstaller.CertInstallerMain} drawState=4
05-12 22:03:11.928 E/ANDR-PERF-MPCTL( 1792): Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only
05-12 22:03:11.983 I/WindowManager( 2310): Destroying surface Surface(name=com.android.certinstaller/com.android.certinstaller.CertInstallerMain) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2014 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:881 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.removeLocked:1449 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindowInnerLocked:2483 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindowLocked:2441 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindowLocked:2310 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.removeWindow:2305 com.android.server.wm.Session.remove:193
05-12 22:03:12.009 I/WindowManager( 2310): Destroying surface Surface(name=com.android.certinstaller/com.android.certinstaller.CredentialsInstallDialog) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2014 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:881 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurface:2073 com.android.server.wm.AppWindowToken.destroySurfaces:363 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.finishExit:565 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.stepAnimationLocked:491 com.android.server.wm.WindowAnimator.updateWindowsLocked:303 com.android.server.wm.WindowAnimator.animateLocked:704
05-12 22:03:12.019 I/ActivityManager( 2310): Killing 7253:com.android.externalstorage/u0a10 (adj 906): empty #17
05-12 22:03:12.038 D/ActivityManager( 2310): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 7253
05-12 22:03:12.237 I/iu.UploadsManager( 3390): End new media; added: 0, uploading: 0, time: 80 ms
05-12 22:03:12.548 I/WindowManager( 2310): Destroying surface Surface(name=Toast) called by com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurface:2014 com.android.server.wm.WindowStateAnimator.destroySurfaceLocked:881 com.android.server.wm.WindowState.destroyOrSaveSurface:2073 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacementInner:429 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacementLoop:232 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacement:180 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService$H.handleMessage:8110 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:102
05-12 22:03:12.921 I/MSM-irqbalance( 1927): Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU7 [P:1] (banned)
05-12 22:03:12.922 I/MSM-irqbalance( 1927): Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU5 [P:1] (banned)
05-12 22:03:12.922 I/MSM-irqbalance( 1927): Decided to move IRQ3 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU6 [P:1] (banned)
05-12 22:03:12.922 I/MSM-irqbalance( 1927): Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU4 [P:1] (banned)
05-12 22:03:18.241 I/MSM-irqbalance( 1927): Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU7 [P:1] (banned)
05-12 22:03:18.241 I/MSM-irqbalance( 1927): Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU3 [P:0] to CPU5 [P:1] (banned)
05-12 22:03:20.421 E/IzatSvc_OSObserver( 2310): I/LocTech-Label :: OSOBSERVER :: Data Items In
05-12 22:03:20.421 E/IzatSvc_OSObserver( 2310): I/LocTech-Value :: Data Item Value: Attach state: 3, Mac address valid: false, AP MAC address: [00:00:00:00:00:00], Wifi-Ap SSID Valid: false, SSID:
05-12 22:03:23.180 E/IzatSvc_Wiper( 2310): W/Num of elements returned by LOWI 20
05-12 22:03:23.181 E/LocSvc_api_v02( 2310): I/---> locClientSendReq line 2069 QMI_LOC_INJECT_WIFI_POSITION_REQ_V02
05-12 22:03:23.190 W/XTCC- 2353): [LOWIUtils] to_eScanTypeResponse - default case
05-12 22:03:23.190 W/XTCC- 2353): [WifiScanner] WiFi scan result : [20] AP's
05-12 22:03:23.191 E/LocSvc_ApiV02( 2310): I/<--- void globalRespCb(locClientHandleType, uint32_t, const locClientRespIndUnionType, uint32_t, void *) line 140 QMI_LOC_INJECT_WIFI_POSITION_REQ_V02
05-12 22:03:23.191 E/IzatSvc_Wiper( 2310): W/Num of elements returned by LOWI 20
05-12 22:03:23.191 E/LocSvc_api_v02( 2310): I/---> locClientSendReq line 2069 QMI_LOC_INJECT_WIFI_POSITION_REQ_V02
05-12 22:03:23.192 E/LocSvc_ApiV02( 2310): I/<--- void globalRespCb(locClientHandleType, uint32_t, const locClientRespIndUnionType, uint32_t, void *) line 140 QMI_LOC_INJECT_WIFI_POSITION_REQ_V02
05-12 22:03:23.216 E/IzatSvc_OSObserver( 2310): I/LocTech-Label :: OSOBSERVER :: Data Items In
05-12 22:03:23.217 E/IzatSvc_OSObserver( 2310): I/LocTech-Value :: Data Item Value: Attach state: 0, Mac address valid: false, AP MAC address: [00:00:00:00:00:00], Wifi-Ap SSID Valid: false, SSID:
05-12 22:03:23.222 D/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:( 2310): ==========start qualified Network Selection==========
05-12 22:03:23.223 D/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:( 2310): Saved Network List
05-12 22:03:23.223 D/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:( 2310):     "2044411083":0  User Preferred BSSID:null FQDN:ngh.pirosap.tech NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED Disable account: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Connect Choice:null set time:-1
05-12 22:03:23.224 D/HS20    ( 2310): match nwk 'aruba-HS20':24dec6ca5378 (020824dec6ca), anqp present, query true, home sps: 1
05-12 22:03:23.224 D/HS20    ( 2310): 'aruba-HS20':24dec6ca5378 (020824dec6ca) match on ngh.pirosap.tech: HomeProvider, auth RealmMethodParam
05-12 22:03:23.224 D/HS20    ( 2310):  -- ngh.pirosap.tech: match HomeProvider, queried false
05-12 22:03:23.224 D/HS20    ( 2310): aruba-HS20 pass 1 matches:  ngh.pirosap.tech->HomeProvider
05-12 22:03:23.226 D/HS20    ( 2310): match nwk 'aruba-HS20':24dec6ca5370 (020824dec6ca), anqp missing, query true, home sps: 1
05-12 22:03:23.227 D/HS20    ( 2310):  -- ngh.pirosap.tech: match Incomplete, queried false
05-12 22:03:23.228 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: GAS-QUERY-START addr=24:de:c6:ca:53:70 dialog_token=29 freq=2462
05-12 22:03:23.230 D/HS20    ( 2310): ANQP initiated on 'aruba-HS20'/24dec6ca5370 (ANQP_GET 24:de:c6:ca:53:70 258,260,262,263,264,268,hs20:3,hs20:4,hs20:5)
05-12 22:03:23.230 D/HS20    ( 2310): aruba-HS20 pass 1 matches:  ngh.pirosap.tech->Incomplete
05-12 22:03:23.231 D/HS20    ( 2310): match nwk 'Meraki-HS20':e2557de88042 (020800000000), anqp missing, query true, home sps: 1
05-12 22:03:23.231 D/HS20    ( 2310):  -- ngh.pirosap.tech: match Incomplete, queried false
05-12 22:03:23.240 I/MSM-irqbalance( 1927): Decided to move IRQ5 from CPU2 [P:0] to CPU7 [P:1] (banned)
05-12 22:03:23.247 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: GAS-QUERY-START addr=e2:55:7d:e8:80:42 dialog_token=30 freq=2412
05-12 22:03:23.248 D/HS20    ( 2310): ANQP initiated on 'Meraki-HS20'/e2557de88042 (ANQP_GET e2:55:7d:e8:80:42 258,260,262,263,264,268,hs20:3,hs20:4,hs20:5)
05-12 22:03:23.248 D/HS20    ( 2310): Meraki-HS20 pass 1 matches:  ngh.pirosap.tech->Incomplete
05-12 22:03:23.250 D/HS20    ( 2310): match nwk 'Meraki-HS20':e2556de88042 (020800000000), anqp missing, query true, home sps: 1
05-12 22:03:23.251 D/HS20    ( 2310):  -- ngh.pirosap.tech: match Incomplete, queried false
05-12 22:03:23.258 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: GAS-QUERY-START addr=e2:55:6d:e8:80:42 dialog_token=31 freq=5220
05-12 22:03:23.259 D/HS20    ( 2310): ANQP initiated on 'Meraki-HS20'/e2556de88042 (ANQP_GET e2:55:6d:e8:80:42 258,260,262,263,264,268,hs20:3,hs20:4,hs20:5)
05-12 22:03:23.259 D/HS20    ( 2310): Meraki-HS20 pass 1 matches:  ngh.pirosap.tech->Incomplete
05-12 22:03:23.260 D/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:( 2310): Guest28154:36:76:c5:48:6d:fa(2.4GHz)-87 / AirPort28154:34:76:c5:4a:6d:fa(2.4GHz)-87 /  skipped due to low signal
05-12 22:03:23.260 D/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:( 2310): aruba-HS20:24:de:c6:ca:53:70 / Meraki-HS20:e2:55:7d:e8:80:42 / puyo:e2:55:7d:e8:80:41 / hoge:e2:55:7d:e8:80:40 / DIRECT-Ub-BRAVIA:b2:10:41:36:c6:df / WARPSTAR-E391D5:00:3a:9d:67:0a:b5 / aterm-781629-g:c0:25:a2:5d:fa:86 / WARPSTAR-E391D5-W:06:3a:9d:67:0a:b5 / puyo:e2:55:6d:e8:80:41 / hoge:e2:55:6d:e8:80:40 / Meraki-HS20:e2:55:6d:e8:80:42 / Buffalo-G-7DD8:34:3d:c4:4e:7d:d8 / Game32364:00:a0:b0:b3:7e:6e / Stream32364:00:a0:b0:b3:7e:6d /  skipped due to not saved
05-12 22:03:23.260 D/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:( 2310):
05-12 22:03:23.260 D/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:( 2310): e2:55:6d:e8:80:4f / e2:55:7d:e8:80:40 / e2:55:7d:e8:80:42 /  skipped due to not valid SSID
05-12 22:03:23.261 D/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:( 2310):  RSSI score: 100 5GHz bonus: 40 Passpoint Bonus:40 Score for scanResult: SSID: aruba-HS20, BSSID: 24:de:c6:ca:53:78, capabilities: [WPA2-EAP-CCMP][ESS][P2P][HS20], level: -51, frequency: 5260, timestamp: 4679781268, distance: ?(cm), distanceSd: ?(cm), passpoint: no, ChannelBandwidth: 1, centerFreq0: 5270, centerFreq1: 0, 80211mcResponder: is not supported and Network ID: 0 final score:180
05-12 22:03:23.261 D/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:( 2310):
05-12 22:03:23.261 D/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:( 2310): After user choice adjust, the final candidate is:"2044411083":0 : 24:de:c6:ca:53:78
05-12 22:03:23.261 D/WifiQualifiedNetworkSelector:( 2310): reconnect from Disconnected to "2044411083":0
05-12 22:03:23.262 D/WifiStateMachine( 2310): CMD_AUTO_CONNECT sup state DisconnectedState my state DisconnectedState nid=0 roam=false
05-12 22:03:23.262 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.263 D/WifiStateMachine( 2310): CMD_AUTO_CONNECT will save config -> "aruba-HS20" nid=0
05-12 22:03:23.265 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.266 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.267 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.268 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.269 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.269 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.270 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.271 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.272 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.273 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.274 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.274 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.275 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.276 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.277 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.278 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.278 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.279 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.280 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.281 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.282 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.282 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.284 D/WifiConfigManager( 2310): created a homeSP object for 0:"aruba-HS20"
05-12 22:03:23.293 D/HS20    ( 2310): Adding or updating HS20 profile for ngh.pirosap.tech
05-12 22:03:23.312 D/WifiNetworkHistory( 2310): saving network history: ngh.pirosap.techWPA_EAP gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:0 nid:0 hasEverConnected: false
05-12 22:03:23.312 V/WifiNetworkHistory( 2310): writeKnownNetworkHistory write config ngh.pirosap.techWPA_EAP
05-12 22:03:23.324 D/WifiStateMachine( 2310): CMD_AUTO_CONNECT did save config ->  nid=0
05-12 22:03:23.324 D/WifiConfigManager( 2310): Setting SSID for 0 toaruba-HS20
05-12 22:03:23.325 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:23.328 E/wpa_supplicant( 2831): eap_proxy: eap_proxy_notify_config
05-12 22:03:23.330 D/WifiNetworkHistory( 2310): saving network history: ngh.pirosap.techWPA_EAP gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:0 nid:0 hasEverConnected: false
05-12 22:03:23.330 V/WifiNetworkHistory( 2310): writeKnownNetworkHistory write config ngh.pirosap.techWPA_EAP
05-12 22:03:23.800 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: GAS-QUERY-DONE addr=24:de:c6:ca:53:70 dialog_token=29 freq=2462 status_code=0 result=SUCCESS
05-12 22:03:23.811 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: RX-ANQP 24:de:c6:ca:53:70 Venue Name
05-12 22:03:23.811 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: RX-ANQP 24:de:c6:ca:53:70 Network Authentication Type information
05-12 22:03:23.811 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: RX-ANQP 24:de:c6:ca:53:70 IP Address Type Availability information
05-12 22:03:23.811 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: RX-ANQP 24:de:c6:ca:53:70 NAI Realm list
05-12 22:03:23.811 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: RX-ANQP 24:de:c6:ca:53:70 3GPP Cellular Network information
05-12 22:03:23.811 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: RX-ANQP 24:de:c6:ca:53:70 Domain Name list
05-12 22:03:23.811 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: RX-HS20-ANQP 24:de:c6:ca:53:70 Operator Friendly Name
05-12 22:03:23.811 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: RX-HS20-ANQP 24:de:c6:ca:53:70 Connection Capability
05-12 22:03:23.811 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: ANQP-QUERY-DONE addr=24:de:c6:ca:53:70 result=SUCCESS
05-12 22:03:23.812 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: Trying to associate with SSID 'aruba-HS20'
05-12 22:03:23.816 E/wpa_supplicant( 2831): eap_proxy: eap_proxy_notify_config
05-12 22:03:23.816 E/wpa_supplicant( 2831): eap_proxy: eap_proxy_allowed_method
05-12 22:03:23.816 E/wpa_supplicant( 2831): eap_proxy: eap_proxy_allowed_method
05-12 22:03:23.816 E/wpa_supplicant( 2831): eap_proxy: eap_proxy_allowed_method
05-12 22:03:23.822 D/HS20    ( 2310): successful ANQP response for 24dec6ca5370: {ANQPIPAddrAvailability=IPAddressTypeAvailability{mV4Availability=Public, mV6Availability=NotAvailable}, ANQPNAIRealm=NAI Realm:
05-12 22:03:23.822 D/HS20    ( 2310):   NAI Realm(s) pirosap.tech
05-12 22:03:23.822 D/HS20    ( 2310):     EAP Method EAP_TTLS
05-12 22:03:23.822 D/HS20    ( 2310):       Auth method NonEAPInnerAuthEAP, inner = MSCHAPv2
05-12 22:03:23.822 D/HS20    ( 2310):       Auth method CredentialType = Username
05-12 22:03:23.822 D/HS20    ( 2310): , ANQPVenueName=VenueName{m_group=Unspecified, m_type=Unspecified, m_names=[]}, ANQPDomName=DomainName{mDomains=[ngh.pirosap.tech, nttdocomo.com]}, ANQPNwkAuthType=NetworkAuthenticationType{m_authenticationTypes=[]}, HSConnCapability=HSConnectionCapability{mStatusList=[]}, ANQP3GPPNetwork=ThreeGPPNetwork{mUserData=0, mPlmns=[PLMN: 44010 44051 440209 440209 440001]}, HSFriendlyName=HSFriendlyName{mNames=[]}}
05-12 22:03:23.823 D/HS20    ( 2310): match nwk 'aruba-HS20':24dec6ca5370 (020824dec6ca), anqp present, query false, home sps: 1
05-12 22:03:23.823 D/HS20    ( 2310): 'aruba-HS20':24dec6ca5370 (020824dec6ca) match on ngh.pirosap.tech: HomeProvider, auth RealmMethodParam
05-12 22:03:23.823 D/HS20    ( 2310):  -- ngh.pirosap.tech: match HomeProvider, queried true
05-12 22:03:23.823 D/HS20    ( 2310): aruba-HS20 pass 2 matches:  ngh.pirosap.tech->HomeProvider
05-12 22:03:23.832 E/IzatSvc_OSObserver( 2310): I/LocTech-Label :: OSOBSERVER :: Data Items In
05-12 22:03:23.832 E/IzatSvc_OSObserver( 2310): I/LocTech-Value :: Data Item Value: Attach state: 5, Mac address valid: false, AP MAC address: [00:00:00:00:00:00], Wifi-Ap SSID Valid: false, SSID:
05-12 22:03:23.950 I/QtiTetherService/TetherNotifier( 3175): Active=[]; Available=[wlan0]; Errored=[]
05-12 22:03:23.951 I/QtiTetherService/TetherCommunication( 3175): Posting: TetherEvent -- TetherStateChangedEvent{Active=[], Available=[wlan0], Errored=[]}
05-12 22:03:23.951 I/QtiTetherService( 3175): handleMessage(TetherEvent -- TetherStateChangedEvent{Active=[], Available=[wlan0], Errored=[]})
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310): getTetherStats() called NetworkStats: elapsedRealtime=4680567
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [0] iface=wlan0 uid=0 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=54742 rxPackets=447 txBytes=29680 txPackets=461 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [1] iface=wlan0 uid=0 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [2] iface=wlan0 uid=1000 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=4372 rxPackets=44 txBytes=7677 txPackets=60 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [3] iface=wlan0 uid=1000 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [4] iface=wlan0 uid=10011 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=144 txPackets=2 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [5] iface=wlan0 uid=10011 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [6] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=34750 rxPackets=136 txBytes=81931 txPackets=168 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [7] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=40714 rxPackets=111 txBytes=98807 txPackets=150 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [8] iface=wlan0 uid=10036 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [9] iface=wlan0 uid=10036 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=40758 rxPackets=38 txBytes=2572 txPackets=23 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [10] iface=wlan0 uid=10059 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=16393378 rxPackets=13143 txBytes=475801 txPackets=6587 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [11] iface=wlan0 uid=10059 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [12] iface=wlan0 uid=10062 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=6094 rxPackets=11 txBytes=1426 txPackets=11 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [13] iface=wlan0 uid=10062 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [14] iface=wlan0 uid=10063 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=14410 rxPackets=66 txBytes=10290 txPackets=85 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [15] iface=wlan0 uid=10063 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=2495802 rxPackets=2865 txBytes=650496 txPackets=2694 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [16] iface=wlan0 uid=10086 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=5876 rxPackets=12 txBytes=2333 txPackets=11 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [17] iface=wlan0 uid=10086 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [18] iface=wlan0 uid=10088 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=10832 rxPackets=32 txBytes=6307 txPackets=38 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [19] iface=wlan0 uid=10088 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [20] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=DEFAULT tag=0x600 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [21] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x600 roaming=NO rxBytes=5112 rxPackets=11 txBytes=2349 txPackets=11 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [22] iface=wlan0 uid=10036 set=DEFAULT tag=0x600 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [23] iface=wlan0 uid=10036 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x600 roaming=NO rxBytes=40758 rxPackets=38 txBytes=2572 txPackets=23 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [24] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=DEFAULT tag=0x10000407 roaming=NO rxBytes=1103 rxPackets=9 txBytes=939 txPackets=7 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [25] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x10000407 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [26] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=DEFAULT tag=0x10001301 roaming=NO rxBytes=9400 rxPackets=16 txBytes=2977 txPackets=17 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [27] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x10001301 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [28] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=DEFAULT tag=0x20000407 roaming=NO rxBytes=5829 rxPackets=14 txBytes=3943 txPackets=13 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [29] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x20000407 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [30] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=DEFAULT tag=0x21065fff roaming=NO rxBytes=8662 rxPackets=30 txBytes=24691 txPackets=31 operations=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [31] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x21065fff roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0
05-12 22:03:23.960 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310): combining tether stats
05-12 22:03:23.962 D/QtiTetherService/IpaWrapper( 3175): getStats(false)
05-12 22:03:23.998 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: Associated with 24:de:c6:ca:53:78
05-12 22:03:23.998 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SUBNET-STATUS-UPDATE status=0
05-12 22:03:23.999 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-STARTED EAP authentication started

05-12 22:03:24.006 I/WifiHAL ( 2310): Unknown EAPOL message type
05-12 22:03:24.006 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-PROPOSED-METHOD vendor=0 method=21
05-12 22:03:24.007 E/IzatSvc_OSObserver( 2310): I/LocTech-Label :: OSOBSERVER :: Data Items In
05-12 22:03:24.007 E/IzatSvc_OSObserver( 2310): I/LocTech-Value :: Data Item Value: Attach state: 6, Mac address valid: false, AP MAC address: [00:00:00:00:00:00], Wifi-Ap SSID Valid: false, SSID:
05-12 22:03:24.009 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-METHOD EAP vendor 0 method 21 (TTLS) selected
05-12 22:03:24.010 I/WifiHAL ( 2310): Unknown EAPOL message type
05-12 22:03:24.023 E/IzatSvc_Wiper( 2310): W/Num of elements returned by LOWI 20
05-12 22:03:24.024 E/LocSvc_api_v02( 2310): I/---> locClientSendReq line 2069 QMI_LOC_INJECT_WIFI_POSITION_REQ_V02
05-12 22:03:24.024 W/XTCC- 2353): [LOWIUtils] to_eScanTypeResponse - default case
05-12 22:03:24.024 W/XTCC- 2353): [WifiScanner] WiFi scan result : [20] AP's
05-12 22:03:24.026 E/LocSvc_ApiV02( 2310): I/<--- void globalRespCb(locClientHandleType, uint32_t, const locClientRespIndUnionType, uint32_t, void *) line 140 QMI_LOC_INJECT_WIFI_POSITION_REQ_V02
05-12 22:03:24.052 I/WifiHAL ( 2310): Unknown EAPOL message type
05-12 22:03:24.052 I/WifiHAL ( 2310): Unknown EAPOL message type
05-12 22:03:24.075 I/WifiHAL ( 2310): Unknown EAPOL message type
05-12 22:03:24.077 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-PEER-CERT depth=2 subject='/O=Digital Signature Trust Co./CN=DST Root CA X3' hash=0687260331a72403d909f105e69bcf0d32e1bd2493ffc6d9206d11bcd6770739
05-12 22:03:24.079 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-PEER-CERT depth=1 subject='/C=US/O=Let's Encrypt/CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3' hash=25847d668eb4f04fdd40b12b6b0740c567da7d024308eb6c2c96fe41d9de218d
05-12 22:03:24.082 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-PEER-CERT depth=0 subject='/CN=ngh.pirosap.tech' hash=ab8e3a9ddc421f8ec984cd222ce5aecdc09e3b5bffaedc3df8946aec12006c74
05-12 22:03:24.085 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-PEER-ALT depth=0 DNS:ngh.pirosap.tech
05-12 22:03:24.089 I/WifiHAL ( 2310): Unknown EAPOL message type
05-12 22:03:24.114 I/WifiHAL ( 2310): Unknown EAPOL message type
05-12 22:03:24.114 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): EAP-TTLS: Phase 2 MSCHAPV2 authentication succeeded
05-12 22:03:24.115 I/WifiHAL ( 2310): Unknown EAPOL message type
05-12 22:03:24.123 I/WifiHAL ( 2310): Unknown EAPOL message type
05-12 22:03:24.123 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-EAP-SUCCESS EAP authentication completed successfully
05-12 22:03:24.132 E/IzatSvc_OSObserver( 2310): I/LocTech-Label :: OSOBSERVER :: Data Items In
05-12 22:03:24.132 E/IzatSvc_OSObserver( 2310): I/LocTech-Value :: Data Item Value: Attach state: 7, Mac address valid: false, AP MAC address: [00:00:00:00:00:00], Wifi-Ap SSID Valid: false, SSID:
05-12 22:03:24.139 E/wpa_supplicant( 2831): WPS: wpas_wps_eapol_cb cancel timeout
05-12 22:03:24.140 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 24:de:c6:ca:53:78 [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
05-12 22:03:24.140 I/wpa_supplicant( 2831): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 24:de:c6:ca:53:78 completed [id=0 id_str=%7B%22creatorUid%22%3A%2210042%22%2C%22configKey%22%3A%22ngh.pirosap.techWPA_EAP%22%2C%22fqdn%22%3A%22ngh.pirosap.tech%22%7D]
05-12 22:03:24.145 E/IzatSvc_OSObserver( 2310): I/LocTech-Label :: OSOBSERVER :: Data Items In
05-12 22:03:24.146 E/IzatSvc_OSObserver( 2310): I/LocTech-Value :: Data Item Value: Attach state: 8, Mac address valid: false, AP MAC address: [00:00:00:00:00:00], Wifi-Ap SSID Valid: false, SSID:
05-12 22:03:24.150 E/WifiScanner( 2310): listener cannot be found
05-12 22:03:24.155 D/ConnectivityService( 2310): registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CONNECTING, reason: (unspecified), extra: "aruba-HS20", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false, metered: false]}  network{107}  nethandle{459577936606}  lp{{LinkAddresses: []  Routes: [] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0}}  nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps]}  Score{20}  everValidated{false}  lastValidated{false}  created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} }
05-12 22:03:24.155 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:24.155 D/ConnectivityService( 2310): NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 107] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTING
05-12 22:03:24.158 E/wifi_gbk2utf( 2310): g_pItemList is NULL
05-12 22:03:24.167 E/WifiHAL ( 2310): wifi_get_packet_filter_capabilities: requestResponse() error: -95
05-12 22:03:24.167 I/WifiHAL ( 2310): Packet filtering is not supprted
05-12 22:03:24.167 D/wifi    ( 2310): APF version supported: 0
05-12 22:03:24.167 D/wifi    ( 2310): Maximum APF program size: 0
05-12 22:03:24.169 D/WifiStateMachine( 2310): Start Dhcp Watchdog 4
05-12 22:03:24.179 I/cnss-daemon( 1818): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
05-12 22:03:24.179 I/cnss-daemon( 1818): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
05-12 22:03:24.179 D/ScanDetailCache( 2310): Visiblity by passpoint match returned 5 GHz BSSID of 24:de:c6:ca:53:78
05-12 22:03:24.180 I/cnss-daemon( 1818): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
05-12 22:03:24.182 D/WifiNative-wlan0( 2310): configureNeighborDiscoveryOffload(true)
05-12 22:03:24.182 D/WifiNative-wlan0( 2310): configureNeighborDiscoveryOffload(true) returned: -95
05-12 22:03:24.188 E/IzatSvc_OSObserver( 2310): I/LocTech-Label :: OSOBSERVER :: Data Items In
05-12 22:03:24.188 E/IzatSvc_OSObserver( 2310): I/LocTech-Value :: Data Item Value: Attach state: 9, Mac address valid: true, AP MAC address: [24:de:c6:ca:53:78], Wifi-Ap SSID Valid: true, SSID: aruba-HS20
05-12 22:03:24.191 E/LocSvc_api_v02( 2310): I/---> locClientSendReq line 2069 QMI_LOC_NOTIFY_WIFI_ATTACHMENT_STATUS_REQ_V02
05-12 22:03:24.193 E/LocSvc_ApiV02( 2310): I/<--- void globalRespCb(locClientHandleType, uint32_t, const locClientRespIndUnionType, uint32_t, void *) line 140 QMI_LOC_NOTIFY_WIFI_ATTACHMENT_STATUS_REQ_V02
05-12 22:03:24.259 D/DhcpClient( 2310): Receive thread started
05-12 22:03:24.264 D/DhcpClient( 2310): Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER
05-12 22:03:24.272 D/DhcpClient( 2310): Received packet: cc:9f:7a:01:2b:22 OFFER, ip /, mask /, DNS servers: / , gateways [/] lease time 86400, domain null
05-12 22:03:24.273 D/DhcpClient( 2310): Got pending lease: IP address Gateway  DNS servers: [ ] Domains  DHCP server / Vendor info null lease 86400 seconds
05-12 22:03:24.275 D/DhcpClient( 2310): Broadcasting DHCPREQUEST ciaddr= request= serverid=
05-12 22:03:24.279 D/DhcpClient( 2310): Received packet: cc:9f:7a:01:2b:22 ACK: your new IP /, netmask /, gateways [/] DNS servers: / , lease time 86400
05-12 22:03:24.280 D/DhcpClient( 2310): Confirmed lease: IP address Gateway  DNS servers: [ ] Domains  DHCP server / Vendor info null lease 86400 seconds
05-12 22:03:24.288 D/CommandListener( 1816): Setting iface cfg
05-12 22:03:24.307 I/cnss-daemon( 1818): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
05-12 22:03:24.308 I/cnss-daemon( 1818): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
05-12 22:03:24.308 I/cnss-daemon( 1818): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
05-12 22:03:24.308 I/cnss-daemon( 1818): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
05-12 22:03:24.315 E/WifiNative-HAL( 2310): setBssidBlacklist cmd 3 size 0
05-12 22:03:24.315 D/wifi    ( 2310): configure BSSID black list request [4] = 0x7f7fc8ffa0
05-12 22:03:24.315 D/wifi    ( 2310): Added 0 bssids
05-12 22:03:24.315 E/WifiHAL ( 2310): wifi_set_bssid_blacklist(): requestResponse Error:-95
05-12 22:03:24.317 D/DhcpClient( 2310): Scheduling renewal in 43199s
05-12 22:03:24.317 D/DhcpClient( 2310): Scheduling rebind in 75599s
05-12 22:03:24.317 D/DhcpClient( 2310): Scheduling expiry in 86399s
05-12 22:03:24.318 D/ConnectivityService( 2310): NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 107] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTED
05-12 22:03:24.320 D/ConnectivityService( 2310): Adding iface wlan0 to network 107
05-12 22:03:24.358 E/WifiStateMachine( 2310): Did not find remoteAddress {} in /proc/net/arp
05-12 22:03:24.397 I/cnss-daemon( 1818): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
05-12 22:03:24.399 I/cnss-daemon( 1818): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
05-12 22:03:24.401 I/cnss-daemon( 1818): RTM_NEWROUTE Indication
05-12 22:03:24.401 I/cnss-daemon( 1818): ip type is ipv4
05-12 22:03:24.402 D/ConnectivityService( 2310): Setting DNS servers for network 107 to [/]
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310): getTetherStats() called NetworkStats: elapsedRealtime=4681024
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [0] iface=wlan0 uid=0 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=54742 rxPackets=447 txBytes=29896 txPackets=464 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [1] iface=wlan0 uid=0 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [2] iface=wlan0 uid=1000 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=4372 rxPackets=44 txBytes=7677 txPackets=60 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [3] iface=wlan0 uid=1000 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [4] iface=wlan0 uid=10011 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=144 txPackets=2 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [5] iface=wlan0 uid=10011 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [6] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=34750 rxPackets=136 txBytes=81931 txPackets=168 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [7] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=40714 rxPackets=111 txBytes=98807 txPackets=150 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [8] iface=wlan0 uid=10036 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [9] iface=wlan0 uid=10036 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=40758 rxPackets=38 txBytes=2572 txPackets=23 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [10] iface=wlan0 uid=10059 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=16393378 rxPackets=13143 txBytes=475801 txPackets=6587 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [11] iface=wlan0 uid=10059 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [12] iface=wlan0 uid=10062 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=6094 rxPackets=11 txBytes=1426 txPackets=11 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [13] iface=wlan0 uid=10062 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [14] iface=wlan0 uid=10063 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=14410 rxPackets=66 txBytes=10290 txPackets=85 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [15] iface=wlan0 uid=10063 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=2495802 rxPackets=2865 txBytes=650496 txPackets=2694 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [16] iface=wlan0 uid=10086 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=5876 rxPackets=12 txBytes=2333 txPackets=11 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [17] iface=wlan0 uid=10086 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [18] iface=wlan0 uid=10088 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=10832 rxPackets=32 txBytes=6307 txPackets=38 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [19] iface=wlan0 uid=10088 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [20] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=DEFAULT tag=0x600 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [21] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x600 roaming=NO rxBytes=5112 rxPackets=11 txBytes=2349 txPackets=11 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [22] iface=wlan0 uid=10036 set=DEFAULT tag=0x600 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [23] iface=wlan0 uid=10036 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x600 roaming=NO rxBytes=40758 rxPackets=38 txBytes=2572 txPackets=23 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [24] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=DEFAULT tag=0x10000407 roaming=NO rxBytes=1103 rxPackets=9 txBytes=939 txPackets=7 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [25] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x10000407 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [26] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=DEFAULT tag=0x10001301 roaming=NO rxBytes=9400 rxPackets=16 txBytes=2977 txPackets=17 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [27] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x10001301 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [28] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=DEFAULT tag=0x20000407 roaming=NO rxBytes=5829 rxPackets=14 txBytes=3943 txPackets=13 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [29] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x20000407 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [30] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=DEFAULT tag=0x21065fff roaming=NO rxBytes=8662 rxPackets=30 txBytes=24691 txPackets=31 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [31] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x21065fff roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0
05-12 22:03:24.416 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310): combining tether stats
05-12 22:03:24.417 D/QtiTetherService/IpaWrapper( 3175): getStats(false)
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310): getTetherStats() called NetworkStats: elapsedRealtime=4681038
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [0] iface=wlan0 uid=0 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=54742 rxPackets=447 txBytes=29896 txPackets=464 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [1] iface=wlan0 uid=0 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [2] iface=wlan0 uid=1000 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=4372 rxPackets=44 txBytes=7677 txPackets=60 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [3] iface=wlan0 uid=1000 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [4] iface=wlan0 uid=10011 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=144 txPackets=2 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [5] iface=wlan0 uid=10011 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [6] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=34750 rxPackets=136 txBytes=81931 txPackets=168 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [7] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=40714 rxPackets=111 txBytes=98807 txPackets=150 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [8] iface=wlan0 uid=10036 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [9] iface=wlan0 uid=10036 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=40758 rxPackets=38 txBytes=2572 txPackets=23 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [10] iface=wlan0 uid=10059 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=16393378 rxPackets=13143 txBytes=475801 txPackets=6587 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [11] iface=wlan0 uid=10059 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [12] iface=wlan0 uid=10062 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=6094 rxPackets=11 txBytes=1426 txPackets=11 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [13] iface=wlan0 uid=10062 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [14] iface=wlan0 uid=10063 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=14410 rxPackets=66 txBytes=10290 txPackets=85 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [15] iface=wlan0 uid=10063 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=2495802 rxPackets=2865 txBytes=650496 txPackets=2694 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [16] iface=wlan0 uid=10086 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=5876 rxPackets=12 txBytes=2333 txPackets=11 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [17] iface=wlan0 uid=10086 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [18] iface=wlan0 uid=10088 set=DEFAULT tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=10832 rxPackets=32 txBytes=6307 txPackets=38 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [19] iface=wlan0 uid=10088 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x0 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [20] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=DEFAULT tag=0x600 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [21] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x600 roaming=NO rxBytes=5112 rxPackets=11 txBytes=2349 txPackets=11 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [22] iface=wlan0 uid=10036 set=DEFAULT tag=0x600 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [23] iface=wlan0 uid=10036 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x600 roaming=NO rxBytes=40758 rxPackets=38 txBytes=2572 txPackets=23 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [24] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=DEFAULT tag=0x10000407 roaming=NO rxBytes=1103 rxPackets=9 txBytes=939 txPackets=7 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [25] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x10000407 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [26] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=DEFAULT tag=0x10001301 roaming=NO rxBytes=9400 rxPackets=16 txBytes=2977 txPackets=17 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [27] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x10001301 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [28] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=DEFAULT tag=0x20000407 roaming=NO rxBytes=5829 rxPackets=14 txBytes=3943 txPackets=13 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [29] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x20000407 roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0 txPackets=0 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [30] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=DEFAULT tag=0x21065fff roaming=NO rxBytes=8662 rxPackets=30 txBytes=24691 txPackets=31 operations=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310):   [31] iface=wlan0 uid=10013 set=FOREGROUND tag=0x21065fff roaming=NO rxBytes=0 rxPackets=0 txBytes=0
05-12 22:03:24.430 I/TetherStatsReporting( 2310): combining tether stats
05-12 22:03:24.432 D/QtiTetherService/IpaWrapper( 3175): getStats(false)
05-12 22:03:24.436 I/GnssLocationProvider( 2310): WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(5, 0, null)
05-12 22:03:24.436 I/GnssLocationProvider( 2310): WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(6, 0, null)
05-12 22:03:24.437 W/QCNEJ   ( 3175): |CORE| network available: 107
05-12 22:03:24.440 W/QCNEJ   ( 3175): |CORE| onAvailable: bind the process to WIFI
05-12 22:03:24.443 W/QCNEJ   ( 3175): |CORE| newLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::ce9f:7aff:fe01:2b22/64,,]  Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576}
05-12 22:03:24.444 W/QCNEJ   ( 3175): |CORE| curLp: {InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::ce9f:7aff:fe01:2b22/64,,]  Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,] Domains: null MTU: 0}