Why your iOS device with the AT&T SIM automatically join to an AT&T Wi-Fi Hotspot aka "attwifi - Passpoint" without any user settings.


Let me jump to the conclusion.
The Carrier Bundles from AT&T includes a profile to connect AT&T Wi-Fi Hotspot (Passpoint).

I read some AT&T user's point in the forum like below;

How to Disable ATT Passpoint IPhone 8+ iOS 11.0.2
Yesterday I was at a HomeDepot and nothing was loading on my phone. It turned out I was on ATT-Passpoint WiFi. Not LTE. The phone won’t let me “forget” that ssid and when I toggle AutoJoin off it just switches back on.
I don’t care what security ATT passpoint uses I just don’t want to auto join any public WiFi system. Anyone know how to disable this?


Forced to join attwifi since iOS 11!!!!!
According to AT&T's info here https://passpoint.attwifi.com/ an iPhone needs a Passpoint profile installed to automatically connect. However, my phone does not have any profile installed. I imagine that they updated the carrier settings to "force" configure the phone to work with Passpoint if WiFi Calling is enabled, perhaps to coincide with the iOS11 release.

And yes, Here is the mecanism.
AT&T updated with thier "Carrie Bundles" with iOS11.
We can see what does it have.

The following link is the apple carrier bundle list:

It has the BundleURL list, iOS11.1 will see this URL.

			--- snip --
			--- snip --- 

The .ipcc file is ZIP archive.

Here is file list.

Dutch.lproj           hi.lproj                     overrides_N56_N61.pri
English.lproj         hr.lproj                     overrides_N66_N71.der.pri
French.lproj          hu.lproj                     overrides_N66_N71.plist
German.lproj          id.lproj                     overrides_N69.plist
Info.plist            ko.lproj                     overrides_N69.pri
Italian.lproj         ms.lproj                     pl.lproj
Japanese.lproj        no.lproj                     profile.mobileconfig
Spanish.lproj         overrides_D101_D111.der.pri  pt.lproj
ar.lproj              overrides_D101_D111.plist    pt_PT.lproj
ca.lproj              overrides_D10_D11.der.pri    ro.lproj
carrier.plist         overrides_D10_D11.plist      ru.lproj
cs.lproj              overrides_D201_D211.der.pri  signatures
da.lproj              overrides_D201_D211.plist    sk.lproj
el.lproj              overrides_D20_D21.der.pri    sv.lproj
en_AU.lproj           overrides_D20_D21.plist      th.lproj
en_GB.lproj           overrides_D22.der.pri        tr.lproj
es_MX.lproj           overrides_D22.plist          uk.lproj
fi.lproj              overrides_D221.der.pri       version.plist
fr_CA.lproj           overrides_D221.plist         vi.lproj
global_setting_A.gri  overrides_N51_N53.plist      zh_CN.lproj
global_setting_B.gri  overrides_N51_N53.pri        zh_HK.lproj
he.lproj              overrides_N56_N61.plist      zh_TW.lproj

The profile.mobileconfig include the settings to autojoin the network of AT&T Wi-Fi Passpoint with the EAP-SIM/AKA authentication.
It does not have SSID as attwifi-Passpoint because it is Passpoint.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
			<string>Configures device restrictions.</string>
			<string>Apple Inc</string>
			<string>Configures wireless connectivity settings.</string>
			<string>Wi-Fi (attwifi)</string>
			<string>Apple Inc</string>
			<string>AT&amp;T Wi-Fi Passpoint</string>
			<string>Configures Wi-Fi settings</string>
	<string>Auto-joins the attwifi Wi-Fi network</string>
	<string>Apple Inc</string>